Archived(May 28, 2018)
(Adopted at the 77th Executive Meeting of the Second People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality, revised by Decree No 135 of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government on August 26, 2004)
Article 1 These regulations are formulated in accordance with the Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Urban Water Supply and Use, for the purpose of strengthening administration of secondary supply of drinking water, ensuring the water quality of water use and safeguarding people in good condition.
Article 2 For purposes of these Regulations, “secondary supply of drinking water” (hereinafter referred as secondary water supply )means acts of supplying drinking water to users indirectly by secondary water supply facilities.
For purposes of these Regulations, “secondary water supply facilities” means the facilities for safeguarding drinking water, including the high-level, middle-level and low-level reservoirs(trunks)and its additional facilities such as pipelines, valves, water pumps and air pressure pots.
Article 3 The Water Resource Competent Authority of Shenzhen Municipality (hereinafter referred as the municipal Water Resource Competent Authority) shall be responsible for supervision and administration of secondary water supply, while the Water Resource Competent Authorities of district People’s Government (hereinafter referred as the district Water Resource Competent Authorities) shall be responsible for supervision and administration of secondary water supply within their jurisdictional areas.
The municipal and district Sanitation Competent Authorities and the affiliated Sanitation Epidemic Prevention Institutions shall be responsible for sanitation monitor and supervision of water quality of secondary water supply.
Article 4 The secondary water supply facilities shall meet the following requirements:
(1) capacity and tube caliber of a high-level pool (trunk) and its hydraulic-added facility shall meet the requirements of water use;
(2) the high-level pool shall be installed in special room.
(3) the pool(trunk)shall be stable ,firm, clean, impervious, anti-erosive, covered, airproof, and with mothproof blowhole.
(4) the overflow tubes and effluent pipes of a pool(trunk) shall not be connected with cloacae directly and shall be equipped with antipollution facility;
(5) in the water supply system,a pipe of drinking water and fire main shall be disposed in reason and without dead water area;
(6) the constructive materials, pipelines and valves shall meet the quality standard while the dopes of raw materials shall meet the sanitary standard.
(7) the water pumps and electrical equipments shall be installed reasonably and operated normally;
(8) the dry lavatory and open laystall shall be prohibited from construction within thirty meters around the underground facilities of water supply.
Article 5 Where the secondary water supply facilities have been transferred to the water supply enterprise, it shall be operated, cleaned out ,disinfected and kept safety by the water supply enterprise; those having not been transferred shall be done by the management institution of secondary water supply facilities or by other reality management agencies.
Article 6 The system of operation, cleanout, disinfection and safety of secondary water supply facilities shall be established by the water supply enterprise, the management institution of secondary water supply facilities or other reality management agencies and be reported to the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities for records.
Article 7 The secondary water supply facilities shall be cleaned out and disinfected at least once half a year.
The municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities shall order the water supply enterprise, the management institution of secondary water supply facilities or other reality management agencies to organize to clean out and disinfect in time limit by issuing a information of cleanout and disinfection.
Article 8 The secondary water supply facilities shall be cleaned and disinfected by the professional cleanout institution established according to laws.
Article 9 A professional cleanout institution shall meet the following conditions:
(1) to have not less than 10 cleaners and disinfecting personnel;
(2) the cleaner and disinfecting personnel shall have the effective Certificate of Healthy and Competent Certificate of Sanitation Training issued by the Sanitation Department.
Article 10 A professional cleanout institution shall not undertake tasks of cleanout and disinfection of secondary water supply facilities unless having been admitted to the legal personality according to laws through applying to the Administration for Industry and Commerce for the Business License under examination and approval by the administrative department for commercial and industry in succession to submit an application.
Article 11 The cleaner and disinfecting personnel shall not undertake tasks of cleanout and disinfection unless having passed the training held by the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities.
Article 12 Where a professional cleanout institution undertakes tasks of cleanout and disinfection of secondary water supply facilities, it shall sign the Contract on Cleanout and Disinfection of Secondary Water Supply Facilities with the management institution of secondary water supply facilities.
The standard format of Contract on Cleanout and Disinfection of Secondary Water Supply Facilities shall be set down by the municipal Water Resource Competent Authority.
Article 13 The fees charged for cleanout and disinfection , which may be stipulated in the Contract on Cleanout and Disinfection of Secondary Water Supply Facilities, shall not more than the standard enacted by the municipal Water Resource Competent Authority.
Article 14 A professional cleanout institution shall set up safe operational procedure, strengthen management of cleaner and disinfection personnel and ensure that the quality of water from the cleaned out and disinfected secondary water supply facilities shall meet the standard.
A professional cleanout institution shall establish records of cleanout and disinfection and register every cleanout and disinfection under supervision and examination by the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities.
Article 15 The dust-killer and disinfector used in cleanout and disinfection shall meet the sanitation standard.
Article 16 The Inspection Center of Water Quality of Shenzhen Municipality shall be responsible for inspection of water quality of secondary water supply while the municipal Sanitation Competent Authority and the affiliated institutions of sanitation and epidemic prevention may inspect selectively the water quality of secondary water supply in accordance with the laws.
The Inspection Center of Water Quality of Shenzhen Municipality shall be under the authentication by the Technical Supervision Department.
Article 17 Where the quality of water from the cleaned out and disinfected secondary water supply facilities fails in the inspection, the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities shall order the professional cleanout institution to clean out again and shall not charge the fees for disinfection and cleanout again.
Article 18 The Inspection Center of Water Quality in Shenzhen Municipality shall provide the inspection report of water quality after synchronously extracting the samples of raw water and water supply from the secondary water supply facilities on the spot to inspect in accordance with the relevant regulations.
The project of water quality inspection shall be enacted by the municipal Water Resource Competent Authority.
Article 19 The Inspection Center of Water Quality in Shenzhen Municipality shall refer inspection report to the Water Resource Competent Authority and subject to its supervision and examination.
Article 20 The newly secondary water supply facilities shall not handle water supply procedures unless it has been cleaned out and disinfected and passed the water quality inspection by the Inspection Center of Water Quality in Shenzhen Municipality.
Article 21 In the case of selective inspection of water quality, the municipal and district Sanitation Competent Authorities and the affiliated Institutions of Sanitation and Epidemic Prevention shall take samples on the spot.
Where the quality of water from secondary water supply facilities is unqualified, the municipal and district Sanitation Competent Authorities shall order to rectify within a time limit and notify the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities; where the water quality is polluted, the municipal and district Sanitation Competent Authorities ,in the presence of the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities, shall order to stop using the secondary water supply facilities.
Article 22 The standard of fees for which may be charged in the inspection of water quality shall be enacted by the municipal Price Control Department.
Article 23 The water supply enterprise shall establish the records of secondary water supply facilities and assist the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities to supervise and inspect the secondary water supply facilities.
After cleaning out and disinfecting the secondary water supply facilities, the water supply enterprise, the management institution of secondary water supply facilities and other relevant reality management institutions shall put on records for supervision and inspection of the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities.
Article 24 Where the management institution of secondary water supply facilities and other relevant reality management institutions violate these Regulations and refuse to cleanout and disinfect the secondary water supply facilities, it shall be ordered to rectify within a time limit by the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities and be imposed a fine of 3,000 yuan; if it continues refusing to clean out and disinfect exceed the time limit, the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities shall organize to clean out and disinfect and order the management institution of secondary water supply facilities to pay the fees.
Article 25 Where the personnel of the professional cleanout institution failing to pass professional training by the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities undertakes the tasks of cleanout and disinfection of secondary water supply facilities, the professional cleanout institution shall be ordered to rectify and be fined 1,000yuan by the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities; where employing the personnel without the Certificate of Healthy and Competent Certificate of Sanitation Training, the institution shall be ordered to rectify immediately and be fined 1,000yuan by the municipal and district Sanitation Competent Authorities.
Article 26 where the sample of water for inspection by the Sanitation and Epidemic Prevention Institution or the Inspection Center of Water Quality of Shenzhen Municipality hasn’t been taken on the spot, the inspection is of no effect and shall be inspected renewedly without paying the inspectional fees again.
Article 27 Anyone, who damages the secondary water supply facilities and results in disqualification or pollution of water quality of secondary water supply, shall be responsible for the damages and be ordered to take corresponding measures by the municipal and district Water Resource Competent Authorities.
Article 28 The Measures of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Adminsitration of Secondary Water Supply Facilities of Building, edited and issued by the Order NO.16 of the People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality on October 21th, 1993, shall be abolished upon the date going into effect of these Regulations.
Article 29 These regulations shall come into force on the date of their promulgation.